Dhood Kheer

Ingredients :
1 cup of softly cooked rice
1.5 cup of milk
3 tbsps sugar
Elachi/Custard powder for flavour (you get baby custard powder)

Preparation :

If it is formula that you are using :-
Mix the softly cooked rice & formula milk sweetened with sugar and add just a little quantity of elachi powder for flavour.If you use custard powder be sure to add a little more qty. of water to the formula milk as custard powder will have a thickening effect.

If it is cow's milk that you are using :-
Boil the sofly cooked rice & milk+sugar together under sim for 8-10 mins on the stove. 2 mins before you switch off , add the cardamom (elachi) flavour. If it is custard you are using for flavour, mix 1/2 tbsp of custard powder to 1/4th cup of milk & make a smooth mixture and then add this mixture to the rest of the milk + sugar and do the cooking.

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